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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Paige is 6 Months!!

Happy Half Birthday Paige!! I can't believe half a year has passed and Paige is 6 months old!?!?! Summer is basically over and we're moving in to Fall. Every month I wish time to move a little bit slower and it seems to be moving faster. With that said here are Paige's 6 month Doctor stats: weight 12.6 lbs (5%) and length 25.5 inches (50%). So she gained 1 pound 9 oz and grew 1/2 an inch since her 4 month appointment. She's still petite but doesn't look or feel small....her bucket seat is heavy when I carry her around!! Paige smiles easily and still likes to make a lot of noise. Her squealing never gets old to me! It always makes me smile or giggle! I cannot say enough how much she adores her brother. If he shows her the slightest bit of attention she is smiling ear to ear and laughing! She's still a Mommy's girl and also tends to get her feelings hurt when she isn't getting enough attention. This girl likes to move and groove and will probably keep me very busy when she can crawl or walk. She can sit for a few seconds but then falls to the side so it'll happen sooner or later. 
Below are her chair pictures and the outfit she has on is one I made!

**New Post Below!**

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's already 6 months!!! She's even cuter than the last time I saw her!!
