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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend-Sunday

*I took soooo many pictures over the weekend that I am going to have to split the weekend day by day.*

Sunday at the cabin started with a short photo shoot(one of many) of Parker! Then around lunch time Robyn and Josh came up to visit and play!! We went down to the park and playground and played like we were 5 years old again! How did we play for hours and hours on the playground when we were little and not ever get tired? Those were the days! Warning: Lots and lots of pictures are in this post!
Loving Grammy time!

Handsome man!

Grammy feeding Parker lunch!

She's getting some good sugar!

Talking to Baxter and Georgia!

Baxter and Georgia watching P's photo session!

He loves Baxter!

Look at those chubby cheeks!

After Josh and Robyn got to the cabin I was afraid that all we would do is this....

Words with friends....they're addicted!

Finally we got to go to the park!

Aunt Jen and P

Aunt Jen taking P down the swirly slide!


Mommy & P on the slide!

Daddy on the slide!


Ummmm this picture and the next are quite possibly the funniest ever!!!! HA!

Josh is really getting in to it!

All four of us on the swings...waiting to go! 1-2-3....


Look how high Josh is!!! He was going above the bar!

Swinging his legs high! I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes!

Then Josh and Mark decided to climb this hill!!

A much needed break half way up the hill!

They did it! Can you hear the Rocky music now!?!?

Aunt Robyn and P! Love this picture!!

Aunt Robyn reading to P-man!

Aunt Jen reading to P-man!

A nap had to be taken after all the fun!

Grandpa and Grammy with P!

Uncle Josh giving his Pippin(his nickname for Parker) a kiss!
I think the P-man is loved! What do you think!?!

*New Post Below!*

Memorial Day Weekend-The Garden

*I took soooo many pictures over the weekend that I am going to have to split the weekend day by day.*

Mark's mom has the prettiest garden at the cabin! Jen and I took some pictures of the beautiful flowers! Enjoy all the colors and beauty!

Jen took this one and I thought it was so cool!

The Mother's Day gift we got for Grammy!

Grammy's garden work bench! Isn't it cute?!

My attempt to duplicate Jen's picture....not as good, but will do!

*New Post Below!*