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Friday, April 29, 2011

Just Pray...

Above is a picture from Pleasant Grove, Alabama where one of the many deadly storms from Wednesday came through. People from all different states were affected by these storms and need your help! Prayers, donations, giving blood....whatever you can do to help!! It is truly devastating what happened. I can't imagine....all I can do is pray and try to help with whatever I can!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We had a very Hoppy Easter in our neck of the woods! Early church, egg hunt and a yummo lunch at our house with the family!! And guess who made a visit to our house?!?! The Easter Bunny!!!! He brought lots of fun stuff for Master P! Let us not forget the real meaning behind Easter...Thank You to our Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for OUR sins!! (This will only be part 1 of Easter pictures.) Enjoy!

P and Ceci!

Natalie, Jesse & Ceci!

Easter basket time!

Cement Truck from his Easter basket!

Bathing suit from his basket!

How To Train a Dragon movie!!

Sesame Street Book! P had to taste all of his presents if you couldn't tell!

Yoshi to match his Super Mario!

Squishy ball!

He also got some Elmo socks and an army tank! Above are all his goodies!

Pop Pop/Hon with the gran babies!

After lunch we blew some bubbles!

Mark blowing bubbles for Ceci to pop!

Mark pushing Ceci in the swing!

Later that day we went over to Reid and Brooke's to eat dinner and got to see Reese! Dinner was super de duper good!! Thanks Reid for slaving away in the kitchen!!

Rosie wanting to play with Parker!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! We missed our family that was too far away to be with us this weekend...we love you and were thinking about you!! :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

9 Months!!

We went to the Doctor today for Parker's check-up and here are his stats:
Weight-16.8lbs(still 5% for weight, gained 2lbs in two months)
Length-28 1/4 inches(60% for length, grew two inches in three months)
Bottom line is...he's healthy and growing but still on the little man side!!
Enjoy the chair pictures!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Chicken!!!

Here's my Spring Chicken! He's ready for Easter!