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Friday, May 18, 2012

Paige is 2 Months!

Another month down... How in the world does it go by so fast?! I'm pretty sure it goes even faster with the second child!! I need a special clock that can slow down time! 
Paige is growing strong and fast! She gained another 2 lbs and grew 2 inches.(Exactly like her brother did at this time!) Her stats for this month were: 9 lbs 15 oz and 22.5 inches long. (25% weight and 50% for length). 
Below are her chair pictures and other pictures from that day. Enjoy!

Brother had to bring her some toys ;)

Brother in the picture...

Brother out of the picture...

back in the picture...(pretty sure he loves her a lot!)

By the way...the only way i can get in any pictures with my kids now is if I take them like'll be seeing a lot of these up close and personal pictures of me now! ;)



Leaving you with some smiles from Paige!
I love her gummy grins!!!!

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