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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mr. Big Stuff!

The Mister's walking skills have gotten better and better every day and he's becoming more confident and MUCH more independant!! He's really showing us that he is such a big guy! By wanting to feed himself(with his own spoon and fork which equals BIG mess!), helping unload the dishwasher(last night he helped me and it was so sweet!!) and wanting to carry his own bags....

P-man leaving school carrying his lunch bag!

Overall, we feel like he's grown up 5 years over night! I guess it's good because he will be a big brother soon, but he's still my sweet angel baby! (I wouldn't mind freezing time so I could keep him small forever!)

1 comment:

  1. Look at that big boy walking AND carrying his own bag. Time to help with groceries! :)
