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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Little of This and a Little of That

So my little stinker has decided that climbing stairs isn't scary....but he still won't walk! Walking is too adventurous in his mind I guess!! He started crawling up the stairs a couple weeks ago and sometimes it makes me a little nervous. The farthest he's gone is 3 or 4 stairs so we're still in the beginning stages. Here are a couple pictures...

He got bored so he turned around...

and thought about what he could do next...

pull out stuff from his school bag!

Took a few pictures with some pumpkins last weekend practicing for the real pumpkin patch we'll go to this weekend!

Hey Mom...look at that!

I got a little crafty and made this sign for the front door. It's not perfect and a little uneven...but I think it's cute that way! I'm also making some outfits for P-man that I'll show in another post.

Last but not least, I took the Intelligender Test this morning just for flips and giggles. I'm sure it's a waste of money, but it's fun and exciting! I'm not going to go by's just for fun! I took one last time around with Parker and it said boy and that's what I had! So we'll see if it's right this time too! Here are the results...

The flash makes the color harder to see...but it was a dark green=BoY!
I still think it's a GirL!

So a friend sent me this video and it made me laugh so hard b/c it's a situation that could so happen in our house! Dogs are the BeSt!!!! Watch it and it'll make your day a little bit brighter! Here is the link...

After watching this video it made me think of Baxter for two reasons...Number One-he's a garbage man! LOVES the garbage. Will go through it any chance he gets! Many times we've caught him red handed walking out of the bathroom with an empty toilet paper roll in his mouth. I'll say Bax you better stop...and he'll stop right in his tracks and look up at you like 'What? I'm not doing anything!?' I'll tell him to drop it and he'll slowly let it drop out of his mouth. He's so bad but so cute and funny, I can't help but laugh! Number Two-at one point we had a problem with hangers going M.I.A. from our closet. Well one afternoon we found him like this....
This nut was trying to steal a hanger and got caught in the process. Come to find out he had been hiding all his treasures(hangers) under our bed. He is a mess!

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