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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

14 Months!

Parker is 14 months! He changes every day I feel like! He is super-a-lot of fun right now! He is learning a when we say "No!"....immediate tears! Mark and I can't help but laugh!! He can be dramatic to say the least, but most of the time he's just a good, sweet boy!! He's feeling so heavy so I'm thinking he's GOT to be close to 20lbs....we can't wait to get him in his big boy car seat! Still not walking...but we figured he would be late...he'll get it sooner or later. He gets to be my baby for a little bit longer so the not walking doesn't bother me as much as it bothers Mark. Mark wants to play basketball and run with Parker...he's not holding on to the baby stage as much as me obviously! Overall we are having a blast with P-man and really enjoy watching him learn and grow! Here are some pictures from the past week or two....

He likes to play Peek-A-Boo with his lovey!

Poor guy was so tired he fell asleep like this in Mark's lap...
couldn't have been comfortable!

LOVES books!

Loves his car!!

He's been eating SO much better!
Not near as picky as he used to be!!
Thank goodness!

Such a BiG guy!

And speaking of big......

YUP!! Parker is going to be a BIG Brother!!!!!
YippY!! We are soooooo excited!!!!
I am due March 24th!!
Parker will be 20 months old when the new baby gets here,
so we will have our hands full!
I will be 13 weeks on Friday and am hoping that the sickness ends soon!
This pregnancy has been the same as last time with Parker..
I get sick at any time and I am TIRED!
But with the second trimester almost here....I see brighter days ahead!
I am SO looking forward to finding out if it's a boy or girl!
EEEEEE! I'm thinking girl...but who really knows?! :)

**New Posts Below!**

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Congrats, Brett!! That is SUPER SUPER exciting!! That little Parker is about the cutest thing EVER, so I'm excited for another cute one to appear on this blog!

