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Monday, August 15, 2011

The Beach!!

**Couple new pictures added at the bottom!**
We had a great time at the beach!! Wish we were still there! I didn't take a lot of pictures of my mister and it really upsets me....playing in the ocean kept us busy and away from cameras. I also didn't do a photo shoot at sunset like i had wanted....ugh!! I'm still upset with myself about that. I still have a few more pictures to download from our other camera, but here's a good bit from our trip!

He would get so excited seeing someone on the other side of the glass doors!

Hey Mom!

Saturday morning reading a book!

He was so good in the water...just chilling and hanging out!

So then after this picture...we're all in the water. Me, P, Mark, Rebecca and Rick. Rick and Rebecca are leaning on a float together. The whole time we were out there fish were all around us nibbling at our legs and toes....we had gotten used to it b/c we had been out in the water so long. Well, all the sudden Rick(who is a big, strong guy...scared of nothing.) jumped up and screamed! We all start laughing like what's wrong?! And he looks at Rebecca and says was that your leg? She said no. I start backing up from them(scared to death) thinking if Rick is scared...then I need to be! So I'm backing up and looking down in to the water to see what was around us besides the regular fish....when I catch a glimpse of these guys.......
Yes those are baby sharks and yes they were swimming around our legs..and YES I was scared to death!!
You better believe me and P were out of that water faster than a speeding bullet! I don't care if it is just a baby shark....they still have sharp teeth and are unpredictable!! Yikes stripes...those baby sharks were the ones chasing around the smaller fish that had been nibbling at our legs. Needless to say we stayed out of the water for a bit after that. We did get back in a couple hours later though and everything was a-ok that time!

Rebecca and Rick at dinner!

Me and Mark at dinner!

Eating some crackers!

Eating some ice cream for dessert!

The only family picture we got....

P cuddling with Aunt Rebecca!

He was out like a light in no time! :)

**Couple new pictures below!**

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