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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PaRkEr iS oNe!!

My mister turned one today! WoWoWoWoW! Everyone says it'll fly by and it has. One minute you're in the hopsital meeting the sweetest gift from God....the next you're eating birthday cake and celebrating! I wish I could put in to words what it feels to be a Mom to Parker, but I know what I write won't do it justice...I'll try my best!
At 5:11pm on Tuesday, July 13 2010 Parker changed my life forever!! If I could re-live that day over and over again, I would! It was hands down the Best Day Ever!! I feel honored and privileged to have Parker as my son! (Oh gosh I'm already tearing up and am going to have to take breaks as I type this!) This past year has BY FAR been the best year of my life!! The love that Mark and I share for this sweet boy can not be described because there is not a word to show the magnitude of love we feel! Children are truly a gift from God and I am beyond thankful he was brought to us!! After you have a child you understand things why your parents would worry so much about you. (I worry now about silly things and he's only a year old!) I was always super excited for friends and family when I heard they were pregnant, but after having a child it brings a different perspective and a different meaning to it for me. I now get even MoRe excited because I know what's in store for them....the love and happiness along with the most precious gift in the can't beat it! are a joy and you are my heart...I can't wait to watch you grow up and become a young man....but for now, I want to keep you as my sweet baby boy!!!
Below are pictures from this morning...we celebrated with a birthday cinnamon roll and milk!(The breakfast of champions! Ha!) P-man enjoyed it and actually ate it...especially the icing! ;)
Parker's Birthday sign for the door!

Mmm! Icing!

He liked it!

Daddy and P about to walk in to school!

Miss Serah singing Happy Birthday to P!

I'm ONE!!

Mommy and year ago!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to that BEAUTIFUL child! Has it not been the fastest year of your life?! I think I cried MULTIPLE times on EB's first birthday. They grow up SO fast.
