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Monday, October 18, 2010

Grandparents & GGparents!

So I want to say sorry to the Grandparents that I haven't posted this yet, but I had to get all my pictures downloaded b/c I didn't want to leave anyone out! This post is dedicated to Parker's sweet Grandparents that love him, cuddle him and shower him with gifts and attention!! What would we do without them?!? Mark, Parker and I love and appreciate you so much! I also have pictures of my Grandparents with Parker! Isn't Parker lucky to not only have Grandparents but Great Grandparents that love and adore him!?! Here is a tribute to the Grandparents....Parker loves you so much! (P.S. Parker has not been able to meet Mark's Grandparents(Grandma Doris&Grandpa Dick, Grandma Greene) yet because they live far away, but we know they love him and hopefully he will see them soon! Thank you for sending sweet gifts to let Parker know you're thinking about him!)

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