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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Paige's First Birthday Party!!

We had a Bird themed party for Paige's first birthday. It was outside at a gazebo by a lake and park. The weather was absolutely PeRfEcT!! We couldn't have had it any better! With all our friends, family and the food...the party was a hit! To make it even better, the lake has ducks and geese and the ducks had little ducklings that were adorable! They just swam right up to you and the kids loved it! It was a special day for our sweet Paigey Pie! We still can't believe she's one!?! Below are a ton of pictures from the party. Enjoy!
Birthday Girl! 
She had no clue what was going on!

Reid eating a cute!

Samantha leaned in for a kiss!


look at these friends!
holding hands ;)

Libby is a mess!

cute picture of Edie Lane!

cupcake time!

cute sweet!

Thank you Aunt Jen for taking all the pictures!

The girls going for a wagon ride...Reese and Samantha.

Robyn, Brinn and Me

cute picture of Paige and Grammy!

We attempted a group kid picture....
we gave it a good try!

Look at Libby's face! She was up to something!!

Reid's shirt was a mess! He was proud!

Paige loves Eli!

Show stopper! Harrison took a potty break!
It was hilarious!

Catherine, Me and Paige

Ashley, Laura, Leslie, Catherine, Me and Caroline
Jen, Me and Paige

Grammy, Jen, Gigi, Me and Paige

Sweet girl!

the kids loved opening all the presents!

When we got home Parker wanted to open every box.
He thought all the toys were his.

What a great day! Thank you to everyone!!
Happy Birthday Paigey Pie!

**New Posts Below!**

1 comment:

  1. Brett!
    Thank you so much for including us! We had so much fun celebrating Paige!! Thank you for the super cute pictures! Libby's "up to something" pic makes me giggle! John prides himself on his "photobombing" skills....he was thrilled to see the group shot! xoxo
