Yesterday Parker was Baptized and it was a wonderful day! I've prayed for Parker to find his strength, courage, love, wisdom, compassion, faithfulness, kindness and honesty in our Lord!! This day was so much more than the beautiful family heirloom he wore or me worrying that he would cry during the was watching one of God's children be dedicated to Him and all He has done for us....and because of that ofcourse P-man didn't cry as his head was being dribbled with water! P knew that God was there watching over him and smiling! After he was Baptized the Minister walked Parker up and down the isles so the church congregation can see and celebrate Parker, while singing Jesus Loves Me....such a sweet moment! Also a sweet moment was when the Minister was holding P-man about to dribble the water on his head and P reached up and was patting his cheek!! It melted my heart and I wish I had a camera to catch it! When Parker was handed back to me and we went to sit down, you could tell P was SO proud of himself b/c he peeked back over the pew at Catherine and Natalie grinning from ear to ear! Precious!! I left the service early(with Natalie and Catherine to help) so that we could get things ready for lunch at my house after the service was over. I forgot to take a picture of the spread but it was YuMmO! Chicken Salad, Croissants, Fruit, Pasta Salad, Chips, Tea, Petit Fours and Poundcake! Lunch was great and the friends&family were even better!!! Mark and I really appreciate all the love and support for Parker on such a special day! It means a lot to us! Here are some pictures from one camera....I will post some more pictures tomorrow so don't forget to check! Enjoy!

Isn't this the cutest picture of P and Aunt Captain?!
Another great picture with P's Aunt Natalie!
I love this boy!!
The beautiful flowers my Mom and Dad got for P and his lunch!
The sweet cross Aunt Robyn and Uncle Josh sent their Pippin!
Harrison is checking his pal Parker out!
Is he not adorable in this outfit?!
Caroline and Harrison
Precious Edie Lane catching some zzz's during lunch!
P-man playing after lunch!
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