Parker had his one year birthday photos this weekend and they went really well!(No he isn't a year yet, but I want to use these pictures at his party which is 3 weeks away! Wow!) So I wasn't able to get any pictures during the photo session b/c Mark and I were busy jumping around and acting like fools trying to get Parker to look/laugh/smile at the camera!! Shwew! It was a workout I tell ya! That plus multiple outfit changes and doing it all in the summer heat for 2 hours equals a workout in my book! Ha! Anywho, the last pictures we did was Parker with a cake and we were totally surprised that he actually started digging in to the cake! Since P doesn't like adult food that much, we didn't expect him to try and eat it....well he surprised us!! After that he had to be stripped down and cleaned him off b/c he had icing everywhere! Here are a couple pictures of him after the cake, his outfit that he had on with the cake pictures and the bib for his birthday!(I made the outfit and the bib! Yay! His Pirate Party colors are red, black and white!) The last picture is P-man worn out after going to visit a new friend at the hospital! Leslie and John welcome John Reid McElheny Saturday morning around 5:00am! A healthy and beautiful 6lb 14oz sweet baby boy!! I didn't get any pictures but he is super duper is expected! Congrats to Leslie and John, we're so glad Reid is here!!
Loves Balloons!
These pictures don't do it justice....he was covered in icing!
He had more on his arms, legs, face and hair than his clothes!!
I think I'll add his name on it in the middle.....
P.S. I should have the proofs from his pictures this week....and I might put one on the blog!
I am on pins and needles to see the pictures!!! EEeEEeEEe!