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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

The past two years my sister and I met up at Mom and Dad's house with the kids a couple days before Halloween so we could take pictures of the grandparents and cousins in their costumes. The tradition continues this year with a new addition...Paige! (Next year we'll add Lucas!-The little nugget growing in Natalie's belly!) Below are the pictures of Tinker Bell, a Pretty Pink Flower and a Green Dinosaur! 

They were over pictures at this point. Their faces show it all.

Ceci and Parker love playing balloon games with Gigi!

Below are a couple pictures from trick or treating.
We didn't last long b/c it was late and the little flower got tired.
Parker did really well and loved walking to the houses!
He said "Trick Treat!" then "Tanks!" to get candy.

Chocolate is good.

I wish I could have some looks good!

I told him he'd had enough chocolate so he went to pout on the stairs...

Look at his funny nub dinosaur tail! Ha ha!

Wanting more chocolate...

This little dinosaur was telling me to stop taking his picture.
Two year old dinosaur attitude! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall Family Photos

As you'll see in the pictures below, it's pretty impossible to get a family picture where we're all looking and smiling at the camera. Oh well! It was fun trying. Thanks Jen for taking the pictures! :)

This picture and the one below are two of my favorites!

Parker, Aunt Jen and Paige

Grammy, Mark, Parker & Paige

Jen and Georgia

**Two New Posts Below!**