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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Cabin...Summer Time!

We packed up the kids & dogs and headed to the cabin for the weekend. While we were there Paige got to try cereal for the first time. She's not quite good at eating it, but we'll keep trying! Below are some pictures from our trip. Thanks Grammy for cooking such yummo dinners for us!

**New Post Below!**

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Paige is 4 Months!

Sweet girl is 4 months old! She likes to smile and squeal a lot!! I love it! Her legs are super strong and she likes to stand as much as possible. I can already tell she loves her brother so much b/c she will just stare and laugh at him! It's sweet! Her stats at the doctor were... weight 10 lbs 13 oz(5%) and length 24 inches(50%). So she actually lost 3 ounces but she grew taller. (Exactly what her brother did at this age.) I decided to start supplementing one formula bottle a day to hopefully avoid what we went through with Parker--losing weight. She's been taking the bottle good so I'm happy with that! Below are her chair pictures.

**New Post Below!**

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Batter Up! ...Parker's Baseball Birthday Party!

We had a Baseball themed party for Parker's 2nd birthday this year and it was a Homerun!
We had wanted to play t-ball in the yard with the kids, but it was too hot! So we opted for some inside play with a cool present we got the Mister!! (A blow-up catcher that has a net where his glove is and you throw the ball in to it.) We grilled hot dogs and had lots of other goodies, including a super yummy cake. Overall, we had a ball! ;) Pictures below...

Harrison checking out the catcher..

Sweet Edie Lane

Harrison and Caroline


Brinn, Brian and Braden

Birthday Boy with cheese hot dog on his face! cards, baseballs, candy!

Lots of yummy food!

Mom & Ceci

Ashley & Edie Lane

Parker & Braden eating together..

Picture and Baseball signed by Chipper Jones!

Pictures of Parker from the past year...

Go Braves! Our MOST favorite team!

Natalie and Ceci

Samantha and Robyn

Funny Reese

Dad & Paige

Caroline, Libby & Laura

Ceci & Parker acting silly!

Reid & Samantha

Cute picture of Harrison and Braden!

Mom & Paige

Baby Eli

Look at that cute Libby!

Super cute!

Reid & Reese being silly!


The Salkin Family

Yay! We got a family picture!!

Cake Time!

Mister got a little shy when we were singing to him!

Needed a little help from Daddy.

Cool! A baseball bean bag!

Perfect...Braves pillow pet!

Awesome beach pail with Parker's name on it!

Dad and Paige were worn they took a little cat nap.

Libby & John

Look at that smile!

Cousins! They love each other SO much!


Gigi playing with Parker and Ceci!

The boys checking out the baseball cards.

The boys and their kiddos!

Ha! Makes me laugh!

Brian and Parker

Parker riding his new motorcycle!

Sweet girl!

The cake was so good!

Happy Birthday P-Diddy! I hope you had a blast at your party!
Love you!