Caroline and Harrison
Daddy and P
Sweet Edie Lane!
Look at that face! My mister!
Family Picture
Later that afternoon Parker had his first haircut! Really it was a trim....the back was getting scraggly and the hair on the sides were hanging over his ears a I decided to do it since it wasn't much. Let's just say that I don't need to become a hairstylist anytime soon! I cut P's hair the way I cut Baxter's...just a snip here and there, not really caring or paying attention, because if Baxter's hair looks silly or uneven...who cares! He's a dog!! So, I may have not cut it evenly in the back and I may have taken a chunk out of one patch of hair in the back...but I got the job done! Bless him...he has no clue!
Before side picture
Before back picture
Uneven after picture!
Ta Da!! I feel good!
Last night we had to bandage up Shelby's paw because she got a cut on her foot and it ripped part of the paw pad Parker decided to help us and be Doctor to Shelby. I didn't get a picture with Shelby's bandage because it didn't last long....after she discovered she could walk on the bandage (She was limping and acting like she couldn't put her foot down on the bandage..silly!) she ended up tearing it off within minutes. Oh well! We tried to help her. Here are pictures of Dr. Parker....
Reaching to help bandage
All of his Doctor tools!
Below is a picture of P-man taking a bath....he always has so much fun and
gets so excited when we put Baxter's paws up on the edge of the tub!
Here he was trying to give Baxter his duckie...