So we didn't do much at all this weekend....we were pretty lazy. We played, ate a lot and read some books. Aunt Captain(Catherine) came over Saturday night....we ate dinner and watched Despicable Me! (If you haven't seen it you MUST! It is the best!! I mean it.....really!) Catherine also fed P baby food for her first time....she did great and P really enjoyed it! Enjoy the pictures below! P.S. I added a couple of Baxter and Shelby b/c they haven't made the blog in a while. One picture is of Baxter standing up trying to get P's food....they loved the smell of his chicken and rice! :)
Aren't these last two pictures of P reading in Mark's lap adorable?! I love them! :)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Beef Cake!
We went to the Doctor today and got a super good report! Parker weighed in at 12lbs 4oz!!!! Yahoooo!!!! He gained 1.5lbs!!!! Oh Yeah Baby! So it looks like all of the high calorie food and concentrated milk has been paying off!
Here we are in our carseat leaving the Doctor. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you P!
Here we are in our carseat leaving the Doctor. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you P!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
'Operation Beef Up' underway.....
So we are stuffing Parker as full as we can get him! We even went to the store and got the baby foods with the highest calories so we can make sure he's getting as much as he can possibly get!! Surely by Friday all of this will have paid least a little bit! Here are some pictures of him in his high chair after eating and bath pictures after eating carrots that made a mess on his face....and everywhere else! (Side note: P doesn't care for carrots or peas....they make him shiver with a 'That's nasty!' face whenever he eats them. It's kinda cute!) This first picture we like b/c it looks like he's saying 'What?!'
Love this last picture b/c we think he's saying 'Thumbs Up Dude!' :)
Love this last picture b/c we think he's saying 'Thumbs Up Dude!' :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
6 Months!
A Very Happy Half Birthday To P! To Who? To P!!!! Half a year has already passed and my little man is 6 months old! Believe it? No! I sure don't believe it! So much excitement, laughter, joy and love he has brought in to our lives!!! These 6 months have gone by so fast, before I know it Parker will be one!?!?! OH my! Let's not get ahead of ourselves!
So we went to the Doctor today and didn't get a 5 star report. First they measured P and he was 26 1/4 inches long(50%)! He grew an inch and a 1/4 since his 4 month check up. Then they weighed my buddy....and this is the part that didn't go to well. My little P had lost almost one pound since his 4 month check up!!! This blew my mind! I knew he was small, but I thought he had gained at least to 12 or 12.5 no means could I have imagined that he would have lost weight! At his 4 month check up he weighed 11Lbs 11oz and when they weighed him today, the scale went down to 10lbs15oz! My heart sunk in my stomach and I immediately began to blame myself....placing the all powerful 'Mom Guilt' upon my shoudlers. How could this be? The past month I had started supplementing formula b/c A)being sick with walking pnuemonia brought my supply down and B)he was eating more than I could supply even if I wasn't sick. Not to mention he was eating fruits, some veggies, oatmeal and cereal! The Doctor was a little concerned and wanted to run tests, so they took a bunch of blood from P. (Waiting for these results I tried to stay positive, but couldn't help to worry a little.) Thank God above Parker's test results came back A-okay!!!!! Turns out, P just happens to have a high metabolism!(P.S.Why couldn't this happen to me?) We have been ordered to pump him full with as much food as possible and add more formula powder to his bottles to make it more concentrated. Next Friday(1/21) we will go back to the Doctor and see if he has gained any weight. Fingers crossed, he will have gained weight! So, if you're still reading this realllllly long post, below are chair pictures. (He was NOT amused when I was taking these pictures because he was sick with a cold....poor guy you can see it in his eyes.) From here on out, Mark and I will be on 'Operation Beef Up' (that was named by Caroline!) to make sure that we turn little p in to a BIG P!!! We'll keep you posted! :)
So we went to the Doctor today and didn't get a 5 star report. First they measured P and he was 26 1/4 inches long(50%)! He grew an inch and a 1/4 since his 4 month check up. Then they weighed my buddy....and this is the part that didn't go to well. My little P had lost almost one pound since his 4 month check up!!! This blew my mind! I knew he was small, but I thought he had gained at least to 12 or 12.5 no means could I have imagined that he would have lost weight! At his 4 month check up he weighed 11Lbs 11oz and when they weighed him today, the scale went down to 10lbs15oz! My heart sunk in my stomach and I immediately began to blame myself....placing the all powerful 'Mom Guilt' upon my shoudlers. How could this be? The past month I had started supplementing formula b/c A)being sick with walking pnuemonia brought my supply down and B)he was eating more than I could supply even if I wasn't sick. Not to mention he was eating fruits, some veggies, oatmeal and cereal! The Doctor was a little concerned and wanted to run tests, so they took a bunch of blood from P. (Waiting for these results I tried to stay positive, but couldn't help to worry a little.) Thank God above Parker's test results came back A-okay!!!!! Turns out, P just happens to have a high metabolism!(P.S.Why couldn't this happen to me?) We have been ordered to pump him full with as much food as possible and add more formula powder to his bottles to make it more concentrated. Next Friday(1/21) we will go back to the Doctor and see if he has gained any weight. Fingers crossed, he will have gained weight! So, if you're still reading this realllllly long post, below are chair pictures. (He was NOT amused when I was taking these pictures because he was sick with a cold....poor guy you can see it in his eyes.) From here on out, Mark and I will be on 'Operation Beef Up' (that was named by Caroline!) to make sure that we turn little p in to a BIG P!!! We'll keep you posted! :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
How bout them Tigers!
WaR EaGLe!!!!!!!! With a late night win over Oregon, my beloved Auburn Tigers were able to take the crystal football, the whole she-bang, the title.....THE National Championship! I am so proud of Auburn.....they deserve every bit of this! Being the true fan and emotional person that I am, I was brought to tears last night....two different times-when my team ran out on the field and when Wes Byrum made the final kick! (Wishing I was there to experience it in person!) Us Auburn fans have been waiting on this for a long time! It's finally here! We did it! Nobody can take this moment of pride, excitment, joy, laughter and tears away from us!!! I believe in Auburn and LOVE it! Enjoy the pictures below! Pictures of Parker in his AUburn gear at the bottom!:)

This last picture is of 'The Kick'....that won the game! Thanks Michelle for letting me use your pictures!
This last picture is of 'The Kick'....that won the game! Thanks Michelle for letting me use your pictures!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
We hope everyone has a wonderful 2011!
P.S. (To my Homewood girls....Sloppy Dew Mere!!)
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